Thursday, June 7, 2012

Emotional Recovery

Whenever there is conflict our emotions have a tendency to get all out of whack.  When there is closure to the conflict there is usually a time of recovery.  Let me once again give you a quote from the book "Firestorm".

"Conflict is a great distorter of emotions.  Part of your recovery will be to get your emotions back into alignment with your faith.  Most inner breakdown comes not from a crisis of theology but of emotional energy.  During the early stages of the conflict, your emotions were manageable, but sustained conflict can send your emotions into surges that seem to be beyond your control."  So what should you do?

1.  Share those emotions with a trusted friend who must have the right to tell you what you need to hear.
They should be able to help you sort out your emotions that can distort reason and result in poor decisions.

2.  Do things that are emotionally simple that provide physical exercise.  Exercise should bring your blood pressure down and decrease the stress.  Don't underestimate the power of physical exercise.

3.  Spending more time in prayer and the Word

4.  Keep from making any serious decisions.  "Emotions can be like children, running in the circuitous frenzy--demanding, crying, pouting, forgiving, then not forgiving."

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