Monday, August 18, 2014

Hybird Christianity

There is a brand of Christianity that seems to prevail in our churches these days.  I would call it "Hybrid Christianity".   While "hybrid" has a good connotation in our culture it reeks of compromise when it comes to Christianity.  Hybrid Christianity is a blend of cultural Christianity and real Christianity.  Cultural Christianity is in name only.  There is no reason to share or live out the gospel because there needs to be tolerance and acceptance of other's views. CC believes the Bible to a point, but believes it to be a book of guidance and to be filtered through personal bias and existential reality.  In essence CC is anti Lordship of Christ.  When the Lordship of Christ is diminished there is a cult-like attachment to it.

A Hybrid Christian would adhere to the infallibility of the scripture and the Gospel yet allow CC to infiltrate their thinking,  thus creating a new kind of hypocrisy.  This new kind of hypocrisy demonstrates what "cheap grace" is all about.   There is no real repentance or sense of urgency to see people come to know Jesus.  It is all about compromise and rationalizations and self, dictating the rules for living.  No wonder people have stopped going to church.  

Maybe it is time to be salt and light again?