Monday, June 18, 2012

7 Desires

I have been reading a book called the "7 Desires of the Heart " by Mark and Debra Laaser.  This book describes 7 universal desires that God has created in us.  If any of these desires go unfulfilled we have a tendency to act out in ways that are unhealthy to fulfill those desires.  My next 7 blogs will describe each one and hopefully give you some clues into your own life as to how and why the way you behave as you do.

The first desire is: To be Heard and Understood.   Here are some characteristics of those who have not had this desire met in their life.  1. A tendency to clam up and withdraw.  2.  Often people who yell and scream are really people who are desperate to he heard.  3. People who talk fast and have a lot to say need to get it all in, for fear of losing control of the conversation.  4. Repeating the same thing over and over again. 5. Manifesting unacceptable behavior to get someone's attention.

What are some steps to help us be heard and understood by others?  1. The first step is to listen.  Remember listening is more than understanding facts it is hearing the heart.  2.  Refrain from being defensive and argumentative.  3. Be careful to share what is on your heart in way that is not accusative or offensive.

Remember there is always one person in your life that will always listen and understand.  God is always willing and waiting to hear from us.  No one understand like Jesus.

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