Tuesday, July 5, 2011

STRESS part 1

It has been documented that being a pastor is ranked as one of the number one most stressful jobs in America, along with being a University President and a Hospital Administrator.

So the question I want to address is this: How are you coping with stress. The next several blogs will give you some practical ways to manage the stress in your life.

#1 Avoid unnecessary stress. Not all stress can be avoided but some stressors can be eliminated.

- Learn how to say no. Refuse to accept added responsibilities when you are close to reaching your limit.

- Avoid people who stress you out. Try to limit the time you spend with the person other than your family who stresses you out the most.

- Take control of your environment. Turn the radio or TV off, or shut your door. Find some solitude. Etc.

- Pare down your to-do list. Analyze your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. If you have too much on your plate distinguish between the "shoulds" and "musts". You may need to drop some of the things on the bottom of the list.

#2 Alter the situation. This may involve changing the way you communicate.

- This may mean you will need to express your feelings instead of bottling them up.

- Be willing to compromise. Find middle ground

- Be more assertive. Deal with problems don't run from them.

- Manage your time better. Plan ahead and don't overextend yourself.

I hope these suggestions will help. I will deal with more the next time.

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