Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Transformed Heart of a Leader part 4

Honesty, humility, and contemplation are 3 keys to owning the issues that God is speaking to us. While ownership and conviction are absolutely critical to transformation, there needs to be a fourth piece in place. The fourth chamber of the transformed heart is intentionality.

The inward conviction should manifest itself in outward obedience. This is when the will gets activated.

Paul tells us that, "I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I am not like a boxer who misses his punches". ,

I would define intentionality as "doing life on purpose". I believe that people who live life on purpose are able to ask the right questions. Such as:

1. Why am I doing this? (motive)

2. What do I need to accomplish? (goals and objectives)

3. When can I expect to do it? (deadlines)

4. Who can help me accomplish this change or goal? (accountability)

In conclusion:

What are the four chambers of the heart? Honesty, Humility, Contemplation, and Intentionality.

All four chambers of the heart must be synchronized in order for transformation to take place. We can be honest and have good intentions but that doesn't constitute legitimate change. We can be humble and honest but without the conviction that comes through contemplation there is no change.

Leaving any one of the chambers out will not produce transformation.

So how much transformation is taking place in the lives of those you shepherd? Or for that matter, how much transformation is taking place in your life?

"Be not conformed this world but be transformed, by the renewing of your mind."

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