Monday, January 31, 2011


There is a sense of pride among evangelicals when good expository preaching is being modeled in their churches. Expository preaching is viewed by most mature believers as the model of good scholarship and and depth.

However if expository preaching doesn't include life transforming application it can be lifeless and just another academic exercise. Worse yet it can communicate to the body of Christ that you can substitute knowing for growing.

While most of us would agree that this is true, I have sat under far too many sermons that were obviously prepared well. The Greek and Hebrew were dissected along with the historical context. But it is empty and lifeless. There is no passion or practical application. There seems to be no heart connection between and message and messenger.

While we quote that "the Word will not return void unto us", let me remind us that the Word decided to become flesh.

1 comment:

  1. It's been said the best sermons are expository and topical, starting with the text is important. So is ending at the altar.
