Sunday, December 12, 2010

Your Life in Rhythm

In a book by Bruce Miller called "Your Life in Rhythm", he essentially says it is a myth to live a life in balance. This requires a continual balancing act that is always compensating based upon the demands life. He states that we should stop the balancing act and yield to a higher calling from scripture that is described in Ecclesiastes 3. In essence, Ecclesiastes tells us that there are times and seasons that come and go. Miller tells us that we all have personal seasons in life that are unique to us as well as rhythms that come with stages in life. A stage in life can be teenage years, young adult, married life, family, empty nest, retirement etc. A personal season might be an immediate crisis that is unique to us.

A great question every healthy pastor needs to answer is what stage of life am I in and what personal season is affecting my life? Once we have answered that we can find rhythm by practicing these three disciplines.

1. Release expectations. Take the pressure off by rethinking priorities based upon stage and season and let go of those things that are least important.

2. Seize the moment. Rather than wish you were in another season or stage, embrace the stage you are in. Look for the blessings of the moment. What opportunities that are unique to the moment that can be seized?

3. Anticipate what comes next. This is a matter of hope for the future. We need to anticipate light at the end of the tunnel while embracing the present.

Tis the SEASON!

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