Tuesday, October 12, 2010


For many of us as leaders of ministry there are times when we have to be courageous. These are times when consequences can trump what God wants us to do.

Pastor/shepherds probably find it most difficult to act courageously because it may require some tough calls that leave some segment of people disenchanted. Let's face it, most pastor/shepherds would rather avoid controversy or confrontation at all cost. However we also know there are those moments when we must step up to the plate and lead courageously.

So the question becomes this: How do we find the courage to confront or make the hard decisions that come with the responsibility of leadership? Here is how I have discovered a "holy boldness" over the course of 30 years of ministry.

1. It always starts with "communion" with God. I first must spend enough time with God listening to what he has to say.
I truly believe that God wants to speak to us if we take the time to listen. Hearing from God is the key.

2. It is important to seek "counsel" from others. Scripture says there is wisdom in many counselors. (Be certain that they are mature
objective and trustworthy people).

3. Once we have heard from God and others there must be "conviction" established. This is where we are fully convinced in our own mind as Paul tells us in Romans 14. Once that is established, conviction will trump consequences. Paul goes on to say, "happy is the man who
doesn't condemn himself in what he approves.

4. Conviction will lead to ultimate "contentment". This means that you can rest assured that no matter what the cost, God is pleased with
us. We are most content when we sense that God is pleased with us even if there are men who are not.

So let me encourage you to find that holy boldness in your ministry.

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