Sunday, June 21, 2009

Comeback churches

Does your church qualify as a comeback church?

In a recent article by Ed Stetzer he writes that pastors of small churches (200 and under) have heard all the strategies and promises, but for many small-church leaders, the conferences, led by rock star celebrity pastors, are like "ministry pornography"- an unrealistic depiction of an experience they"ll never have that distracts from from the real and wonderful thing. In other words, the lust of the megachurch distracts them from the mission of their church. Ed goes on to say that in reality the small church should concentrate on the critical but simple things. Small churches that are on the comeback trail should focus on the the bascis of prayer and outreach to the community.

Smaller comeback churches are often praying churches. Comeback leaders of smaller churches believed even more strongly that real, intentional, stratigic prayer made a significant difference in their revitalization process. God can change attitudes in your church through passionate, persistent prayer for renewal. Second, if smaller churchs are going to thrive, they must focus their attenion on reaching the lost in their communities. Again delving deeper into the survey of churches under 200 making a comeback, Stetzer discovered that intentional evangelism in the community was the other catylist in making a comeback.

Is strategic prayer and intentional outreach a part of your churches DNA? Is it a part of your DNA as a healthy pastor? Is it time for your church to make a comeback?

NOTE: If you want Ed Stetzer's complete article you can go online to

Prayer and outreach are not exactly revolutionary ideas, but they can change the focus in our churches from the latest growth strategies and magic formulas to an opportunity for real impact.


  1. Oh that some could resist the enticement for fast growth and cutting edge programs. What you have written is about as cutting edge as it gets - at least it was for Jesus, huh?

  2. I am really struggling with the Church getting back to being the Church and not some social gathering acting like an Amway party. Outreach is important but when do we stand up for something and say, no this or that is wrong?
