Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Who Are the Wrong People on the Bus?

In my last blog I gave some thoughts of how to approach the person who needs to get off the bus. As I contemplated that, the next question that came to my mind is: How do you know if they are the wrong person on the bus? We can be a lot more courageous and confident if we know. So let me give you some thoughts.

1. Wrong people usually have a self serving agenda. They fail to see the big picture.

2. Wrong people do not possess the skill sets to meet the demands of the task.

3. Wrong people may be competent but may have a prideful spirit or flaw that destroys the
chemistry of the team.

4. Wrong people show a pattern of not being teachable.

5. Wrong people are those who sabotage a decision made by the team. This often shows itself
when a decision is made by the team in session, and outside of the session the team
member will disagree openly.

6. Wrong people are those who love to be a Monday morning quarterback. These are people
who love to criticize the leader with 20/20 hindsight.

7. Wrong people are those who want to be a decision maker but who don't model

8. Wrong people are those who have a pattern of resistance to any kind of change.
9. Wrong people can be "yes" men. These people are the opposite of those who have agendas.
A bus full of compliant people can dangerously empower the leader to be too controlling.

Are there any wrong people on your bus?

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