Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Zoo

I recently reread "The Barbarian Way" by Irwin McMannus. One paragraph jumped off the page at me. Here it is:

To have the Spirit of God dwelling within the heart of someone who chooses a domesticated faith is like having a tiger trapped with in a cage. You not intended to be a spiritual zoo where people can look at god in you from a safe distance. You are a jungle where the Spirit roams wild and free in your life. You are the recipient of the God who cannot be tamed and of a faith that must not be tamed. You are no longer a prisoner of time and space, but a citizen of the kingdom of God---a resident of the barbarian tribe. God is not a sedative that keeps you calm and under control by dulling your senses. He does quite the opposite. He awakens your spirit to be truly alive.

As I look back on my ministry the questions that haunt me are these: Was I a zookeeper or a lion tamer? What did the community see in my church? Did they see a bunch of safe domesticated caged animals or some untamed men and women of faith? Was I too comfortable living in the zoo?

What about you?

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