Saturday, February 19, 2011


Every pastor/leader needs to be continually transformed into the likeness of Christ. That transformation takes place in the heart. Inside the human heart there are four ventricles that must be functioning in order to pump life through the body.

Likewise the spiritual heart has 4 ventricles that must be functioning in order for transformation to take place. In the next several blogs I will explore each ventricle that contributes to real life transformation.

The first ventricle must be honesty. David writes in Psalm 26:2-3: "Put me on trial, Lord, cross examine me. Test my motives and affections. For I am constantly aware of your unfailing love and I have lived according to your truth".

All truth must be dealt with honesty for it to have any real effect. It requires honesty with ourselves and honesty with God.

Honesty is the willingness to take off the blinders, to stop the rationalizations, and to swim out of the river of denial.

Honesty is the ability to ask the right questions.

What are some good questions a good leader should be asking? Let me name a few.

Am I making disciples?
Am I empowering and equipping others to do the work of ministry?
Am I neglecting my spiritual gift?
Am I consistently and intentionally sharing my faith?
Am I loving my neighbor as myself?
Where have I become more Christlike as a leader?
Am I cultivating an intimate relationship with Christ or am I busy doing instead of being?

While honesty is a key component to life transformation, if we stop there, we have only just initiated the transaction.

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this model Tom. Randy and I were so blessed by your teaching and encouragement at Boot Camp last weekend. Each of the four of us drew little hearts with all the chambers so we would remember. Thank you too for the drains/fills, etc. model. That has been a subject of much discussion for Randy and myself as he explores making certain he is a healthy pastor and I am a healthy pastor's wife. Thanks so much! Looking forward to continuing posts in this blog.
    Julie Brainard
