Friday, November 12, 2010

Personally Transformed

I recently asked a group of pastors, "What is the one thing you would like to see in your ministry above anything else?" The answer was, "To see lives transformed".

I would assume all of us in ministry would respond the same way, but let me ask a different question. How have you been transformed in your ministry this past year?

If God isn't moving us toward Christlikeness then how can we expect those we minister to be conforming to the image of Christ.

As I have asked that question to numerous pastors recently, here are some of the responses.

- I have become more comfortable in my own skin.

- I have become a more courageous leaders.

- I have learned to set better boundaries and maintain my priorities.

- I have grown in the area of intimacy with my wife and kids.

- I have become gentler, more approachable.

- I have become more assertive in my leadership.

- I haven't changed a bit.

- I have developed a little tougher skin.

How has God transformed your life this past year?

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