1. Make a time budget. We have financial budgets to see how we spend our money. Why not make a time budget for a week and see where you spend your time? You might be surprised where your time is spent.
2. Be purpose driven. I would suggest taking the time to sit down before God and develop a mission statement for your life. It will help set your priorities so you know what the "big rocks" are. The apostle Paul tells us to run the race with purpose. Without it the tail can wag the dog.
3. Know your rhythms of effectiveness. What are the most productive times in your average day? Are you a morning person or a night owl? How much rest do you need to stay energized and alert? Make good use of working on your priorities during those productive times.
4. Simplify. The recession of the last couple of years has taught us to downsize and simplify.
What are the activities that need to cease? How can you integrate your systems of efficiency?
What kinds of projects or responsibilities can be downloaded?
5. Prioritize some extended time with the Lord. There is no higher priority in life than to maintain your relationship with the Lord. Out of those times God will reveal his will for your life and thus set your agenda.
6. Learn to say no. It is important for us to pay attention to the signals of burnout in our lives.
5. Prioritize intimacy with G