Monday, July 5, 2010


I have seen many preaching pastors that seem to have an inflated view of their skills. Unfortunately too much of our identity is wrapped up in our ability to preach. Therefore it is often a difficult issue to bring up in many pastor's lives. So let me take a risk by challenging you to do a little self evaluation,

1. Have you ever seen people checking out during your messages?
2. Are your too long? (Sometimes more is less and less is more.)
3. Is your message congruent, logical, and systematic so they are easily followed?
4. Are your messages too academic and not practical enough?
5. Is there any evidence of life change as a result of your messages?
6. Are your sermons pointing out the obvious or is there some intrigue that captures both the
immature and mature listener?
7. Is your delivery sort of flat rather than dynamic and captivating?
8. Are your sermons transforming your life?
9. Are your listeners able to connect with you as much as the message?
10. Are you leaving room for the Holy Spirit?
11. Have you done a thorough study of the text?

These are just some questions you might want to give someone whom you trust and know will give you some loving and honest feedback. You also may want to listen and watch your preaching if you haven't done so in a long time. It may give you some clues as to how you can improve. Remember, healthy pastors aren't afraid to ask the hard questions.

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