Tuesday, June 1, 2010


When I worked in a retail store many years ago, often a secret shopper would come and evaluate everything from the curb appeal to the service.

Have you ever enlisted an objective outsider to come to your church as a secret shopper? What would they experience from the curb appeal to the parking lot to the service?

I would encourage you to solicit someone from off the street to do an evaluation as well as someone who has been in many churches. Wil Mancini writes in his book, "Unique Church" these insightful words. "Most churches are like an animal at the zoo that only looks in the mirror. They have a hard time seeing their unique potential because there is little experience comparing and contrasting with other animals."

Here are some questions you can ask yourself that might bring a more objective view of your church from Mancini's book.

1. If a guest visited your church how would they answer this question? What did they like best about your church? What did they like least?

2. If you were bringing a guest to your church for the first time, what singular promise would you most be willing to make, in what they would experience?

3. If you were stop nonmembers who drive by the church regularly and ask them how they feel about the church, what would they say?

4. If your church was gone from the neighborhood what would the community be missing?

5. What is the biggest impact our church has made in the community?

6. What atmosphere do you tend to create when your people meet together on Sunday?

7. What do your new members say attracted them to your church?

8. If your church were a hotel or department store, which one would it be?

Maybe it is time for other animals to check out your cage?

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