Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Reading Your Idiot Lights

Idiot lights on our dashboards signal to us that something is malfunctioning in our vehicle. The most common one is "check engine". It could be something as simple as a service call or a major problem with the power plant. Whichever, if we don't pay attention to them, some serious damage could result.

God graciously has put into all of us our own set of idiot lights that tell us when our power plant is on overload or malfunctioning. Let me list a few typical ones:

Fatigue, lack of compassion, anger, cynicism, depression, sleeplessness, defensiveness, excessive control, fear, anxiety, boredom, aimlessness, withdrawal.

When these lights go off there should be an immediate response. The signal is essentially telling us that we are operating our ministry in the flesh. When that is happening there is little fruit to be picked.

So what should be my response? Timeout with Mr. Goodwrench; or better known as a come to Jesus moment. What does that look like? Stop, look, and listen!

STOP: Don't use your busy schedule as an excuse not to pull over to the side of the road.
You probably got into this predicament because you failed to do preventive
LOOK: When the church at Ephesus lost it's first love God said that they needed to look to see
where they had fallen. Then they were told to repent, and do the things they did when
they were first in love. This means we need to root out the origin of the problem.
LISTEN: Take time to hear what God has to say. We often do not slow down long enough to
hear what He has to say. Your heart may need more than a tune up or oil change.
It may need a complete overhaul.

Happy motoring!

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