In a recent study by Kansas State University it was discovered that there was a direct correlation between the pastor's physical health and the physical health of the congregation. It became clear in the study that pastors are indeed a role model for their congregation's to emulate.
Statistics are staggering for the United States when it comes to the rise in obesity. 32.7 % of adults over 20 in America are overweight. In almost every state in the U.S. 25-30% of the population is obese. That means they exceed the number 30 on the Body Mass Index. (BMI)
A part of the Kansas State study revealed that 77% of middle class white males are overweight.
That would include most pastors in America today. This would lead us to believe that pastors need to be the "biggest losers".
There are certainly some sins that we can hide, but a lack of fitness and obesity is one we can't.
So what steps do you need to take to do a better job of caring for your temple?
What preventative ministries could be developed in your church to increase better health?
Let's get physical!