Friday, August 20, 2010


Healthy things grow, growing things change, change requires risk, risk requires faith, and faith keeps you healthy.

Acts 16:5 tells us, "So the churches were strengthened in their faith and grew daily in numbers".
The word strengthened is used in Colossians 2:7 where Paul writes, "Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught".

What kind of faith was strengthened in the early church?

First there was a courageous faith.
In Acts 4:29 it says, "And now O Lord hear their threats, and give your servants great boldness in their preaching". Courageous faith is a necessity for healthy leaders.

Secondly there was a generous faith. The early church stopped at nothing when it came to sharing their possessions. There was a clearly a motivation for meeting the needs of those around them.

Third there was a tenacious faith. Acts 14:22 Paul tells the church to continue in the faith, reminding them that they must enter in to the Kingdom of God through many tribulations.

Finally we see that the church exercised miraculous faith. Acts 2:43 says that a deep sense of awe came over them as the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders.

It is obvious that exercising our faith is the very thing that makes us strong and vigorous.

Monday, August 9, 2010


So far I have said that, "Healthy things grow, growing things change, change requires risk". Risk is the X factor in any changes that need to be made along the way. The risk the apostles took was to identify with the message of grace that Jesus introduced into the establishment.
The traditions of the past were being revolutionized by a new relevant message of grace. New wine was being put into new wineskins.
The pharisees tried to do everything they could to stop the progress of the gospel. Threats were made, along with the Roman government becoming more vigilant in stomping out the Way.

Whenever there is change you always risk opposition. Opposition can come in all shapes and sizes , from active to passive. This typically is when the boo birds come out with the "we never have done it this way" slogan. Not only are there always opposers to change but there is a risk of failure with the new direction or philosophy that is enforced. However, without these risks the early church would would have stagnated into oblivion. Praise God for healthy leaders who were willing risk their lives for cause of the Gospel.

Courageous leadership is willing to take a risk. The greater the risk often the greater reward. The greater the risk the greater the conviction of the Holy Spirit must be present.

Scripture tells us to count the cost before we build a tower. I am sure that accounting includes all the risk factors.

What is God asking you to risk as you seek to grow stronger as a leader?

Monday, August 2, 2010


A fact of nature is that when things grow they change. Change doesn't often come easy however.
Most resist change because it makes us feel uncomfortable, perhaps insecure, and takes a lot of effort. It is a lot easier to maintain the status quo.

We see how exponential growth impacted the early church as the Greek speaking widows were not being properly cared for. The influx of the gentiles caused a need to change their outlook on circumcision. So logistical and traditional matters were being challenged. Fortunately the apostles were flexible enough and knew how to set their boundaries. It was also exciting to see how the early church had great men of God waiting in the wings to serve.

Change is good for us when we are forced to ask the right questions. Such as:

Are the present ministries being effective in their present state?
Do our ministries align with our vision and values?
Is there a more relevant or effective way to do ministry?

What are some of those modern day changes that affect a growing church?

- Change of influencers. Homesteaders get invaded by squatters. This can be a vulnerable
time in the life of the church.
- Change in polity. Growth can force structural changes to create greater efficiency.

- Change in strategy. Such as two services, small group ministries, etc.

- Changing traditions. Dealing with those sacred cows.

- Change in vision. Setting a new course. Dreaming new dreams.

- Change in leadership style. Maybe more empowering and letting go.

Remember, healthy things grow and growing things change.