Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Codependent Pastor

Moses was a codependent leader. He was very dependent on those who were depending on him.
It was so important for Jethro to intervene in Moses' life or he would have clearly burned out.

What are those tempting or covert thoughts that motivate you to be a codependent pastor?

"Pastoring the flock is my calling in life, therefore my highest priority."

"I need to be validated, feel needed, besides I am good at it."

"If I don't do this what will people think of me?"

"I strive to be the very best."

"If I don't do it, who will?"

"I am the best and most qualified person to be responsible for this task."

" It is a rush to stay busy."

" I am a highly motivated type A personality."

The list could go on. What is the solution to codependency?

1. Set healthy boundaries.

2. Find accountability

3. Delegate and empower

4. Listen to your spouse and kids

5. Find your security in Christ

So what thoughts or excuses do you use to be codependent? What are you going to do about it?

Sincerely, Jethro